June 2013

#[FNAME]# how do you manage organisational change?

Most of us have faced the consequences of organisational change in our careers, from downsizing, to restructuring to swerving strategic decisions.  We have a natural tendency to resist change, but managed well it yields positive results.

What about the survivors?

Managing SurvivorsWhen organisational change results in a reduction in staff, the future success of the business relies on the remaining staff – the Survivors! While provisions are made for departing employees – packages, outplacements, job seeking support - little thought can be given to those who remain to pick up the slack. If the survivors are not adequately managed through the change process, the situation could go from bad to worse.

If the survivors are not well managed, they may become de-motivated and productivity may drop, which undermines the reasons for downsizing in the first place. Survivors will need support, clear objectives and a shared vision. Learn more about managing survivor syndrome.

Change is necessary, can you handle the change?

Managing ChangeChange in business, like life, is unavoidable. Ultimately, the goal of change is to improve the organisation by altering how work is done. Alarmingly, however, current estimates from UK businesses suggest that over 50% of Change Management projects fail. Current estimates from UK businesses suggest that over 50% of Change Management projects fail and that the mismanagement of change is costing UK companies around £52 billion a year.

A large part of the problem is companies failing to keep workers on side during the process and not handling resistance to change. Find out how to manage change and handle resistance.

Course Spotlight: Managing Survivors

Managing SurvivorsIt can be hard to manage change when feelings run high. We have recently run our bespoke workshop for several clients to help managers support their teams once the redundancy process has been completed. The facilitated day looks at topics such as the change curve, managing peoples responses through the change, delivering difficult messages and motivating team moving forwards.

Recent delegates have found the workshop invaluable in helping them deal with issues while going through the redundancy process, giving them confidence to get through.

Key learning points include: how to communicate meaningfully with your team; how to motivate teams going through the change; facing difficult conversations and addressing issues head on.  Read the course outline.

Fusion 4 You

Training Solutions

Personal Skills

Management Skills

Communications Skills



Featured Courses

Managing Successful Change

1 or 2 day workshop

Managing Survivors

1 day workshop

Communicating Effectively

1 day workshop

Free Meeting Advice

Book one of our featured courses and we will come in and observe/analyse a meeting in your company and offer ideas to improve efficiency, productivity and save time at meetings.

Click here to enquire!

Our Top Tip

Don't try and avoid tricky conversations, embrace them by being open and honest.

Call us on 07866 760401 for a no obligation consultation to help you define your training requirements.

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